Thursday, November 28, 2013

Because we don't have family here we usually invite our close friends who are also without their family. I've always loved Thanksgiving, but I like all the holidays near the end of the year (my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Xmas).

I am blessed in so many ways, I don't think I could jot down everything I am thankful for.

I am thankful for the Lord who loves me unconditionally, even when I mess up.

I am thankful for the wonderfully crazy family I have. There's a saying "you can't pick your family", while this is true why would you want to? I don't think that would be any fun! Would you pick people that drive you crazy? NO. But I think the Lord put those crazy people in our life because he knows that those are the people who will challenge us and help us be better people. He knows what we need and who we need.

I am thankful for both of the homes I have. (here and there)

I am thankful for all the friends that I have. I laugh just thinking about them all. One thing that they all have in common is their abilities to make me laugh. I am blessed beyond compare by these people and the never ending love and support they send my way.

I am thankful for all the opportunities God has provided for me. Thinking specifically of the two amazing and humbling mission trips I have been apart of. It would take pages and pages of words and photos to express how important those were and how much of an impact they made on my life. I can't wait for the next one. Which I am patiently waiting for, Lord!

I could go on and on, the Lord has been so good to me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(and I won't apology's for how many photos I'm posting)

Yes. Our tree was up dayss before Thanksgiving.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I really don't like to camp. No seriously, I don't. This was a short trip, and I will admit...I had fun. Yes, I did.

Maybe I just like camping over short weekends. I don't know. But I did have fun this trip and I think the whole family did as well. We definitely had an adventure!